Miniature Wargaming Club Leuven
'Schild en Vriend' is an old Flemish battlecry, used in the rebellion of the city of Brugge against the French, May 18, 1302. Legend tells that it was used to differentiate between the French-speaking (who could not pronounce 'schild') and Flemish-speaking citizens. Nowadays, historians tell us that it was probably 'Des Gilden Vriend'.

Warhammer Fantasy Battle
1000 Point Orc Army list
1000 pt Orcs and Goblins Army
By Nork
This army contents some of the core troups of this race to give you an example of a small
army. Remember that you need large units, for Orcs and Goblins tend to run away easily...
- Orc Warlord (110 pt + 50 pt equipment) - 160 pt
- Orc Battle Standard - 83 pt
- Shaman: Savage Orc Champion (122 pt + 50 pt equipment) - 172 pt
- 5 Savage orc boarboyz (25 pt) with spears (2 pt) - 135 pt
Savage Orc boss (45 pt) and a boar(8 pt) - 53 pt
- 10 Goblin wolf riders (9 pt) with spears and shields (1pt) - 110 pt
- 10 Orc boyz (5,5 pt) with light armour (2 pt) and shields (1pt) - 85 pt
Orc boss - 33 pt
- 10 Orc arrer boyz (7,5 pt) - 75 pt
- 30 Night goblins (2,5 pt) with spears (0,5 pt) - 90 pt
Night goblin boss - 15 pt
War machines
- Small Rock lobber - 66,5 pt
TOTAL - 987,5 pt

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