Emptiness in want of content

Welcome to yet another vanity page, this one belonging to a certain Robartes. In the best tradition of vanity pages the web over, it is rather empty of useful content.

Where to go from here

Who is Robartes

I'm a thirtysomething year old Belgian guy. I used to be married, and have two children (one girl and one boy) and a cat (a girl).

A large part of my life involves computers of some sort or other. I currently work as a Unix systems engineer, and have a history in Unix system administration and limited network administration. My life before computers revolved around chemistry, all the way up to a Ph.D., but these days there's not much chemistry (the molecule and atom kind) left in my life.

As to interests, you can put me firmly in the tweedy bookish camp (in fact, I think that in a previous life, I must have been a hobbit -- possibly Bilbo Baggins). If that does not mean anything to you, here's some of the stuff that interests me. Most of these will get their own pages soonish.

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