'Schild en Vriend' is an old Flemish battlecry, used in the rebellion of the city of Brugge against the French, May 18, 1302. Legend tells that it was used to differentiate between the French-speaking (who could not pronounce 'schild') and Flemish-speaking citizens. Nowadays, historians tell us that it was probably 'Des Gilden Vriend'.
Schild en Vriend has a lot of members who play the Games Workshop line of miniature wargames: Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer 40K, Epic 40K etc. This page lists some information for and by these members.
The Warhammer chapter of Schild en Vriend is linked to the Lonely Mountain gamestore in a much stronger way than the historical chapter is. Most GW games are played in the shop during opening hours (you can find a game there most Saturdays, for example) and the shop carries an extensive selection of GW miniatures and games.
Hence, no real contact info for the Warhammer chapter is necessary, as a simple question in the shop will undoubtedly point you in the right direction. So, if you're interested in playing a GW miniature game, just go down to the shop (Tiensestraat 155 in Leuven) and ask David, the shopkeeper if there are any games planned in the near future. He'll then set you up with a game or give you the contact information for a couple of the regular players. With a bit of luck, you'll even stumble on a game being played in the back of the store, in which case you only have to walk up to the players and ask them about their game. They won't bite (-:.
Alternatively, you could always mail me if you want a game, and I'll pass it on to one of the Warhammer players.
One of the advantages of being in a wargames club is that you can use some of their common pool of figures and scenery to get gaming immediately, while you're still building your own army. This is no different with Schild en Vriend.
We have a number of things available for the benefit of new players. The basic rules for Warhammer, Warhammer 40K and Epic 40K, as well as fully painted pairs of armies for all of these games are available for club use. We also have a large pool of scenery, including hills, trees, bunkers and buildings. All this means that even the first games you play can consist of armies of fully painted miniatures fighting over a visually appealing and tactically challenging battlefield. And yes, for Warhammer as well, the first law of miniature wargaming should always be Visual appeal is everything! With the club armies and club scenery, this should be possible even from the start.
In the past, Schild en Vriend has organised scenery workshops, in which you learn tips and tricks for building your own scenery while building it, painting competitions, tournaments and other miniature related events. We also regularly attend conventions with both the Warhammer group and the historical group.
Here, you will find a number of articles about different aspects of the miniature wargaming hobby, and particularly about the Games Workshop form of these games.
First up is a quick-painting guide for the four major Space Marine chapters from Warhammer 40K. They were written by Chris Heroes, club painting expert and winner of several painting competitions and Michel van der Meiren, club expert on scenery building. They are, however, in Dutch (English translation upcoming):
Next are a number of army list articles, by various members:
These pages are not a single man effort. If any clubmembers are reading this (the same goes for the historical group) and want to contribute something, by all means do so and mail me the results. Also, if any readers have any questions whatsoever, you can mail them to me as well and I'll pass them on to the Warhammer experts in the club. Finally, as you might already know, the 'Warhammer Ancient Battles' ruleset has been recently released and we're interested in how die-hard GW players view this ruleset: completely uninteresting, or could it form a bridge between the unfortunately quite seperate historical and GW worlds? Again, any comments can be mailed in.
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