Miniature Wargaming Club Leuven
Schild & Vriend

'Schild en Vriend' is an old Flemish battlecry, used in the rebellion of the city of Brugge against the French, May 18, 1302. Legend tells that it was used to differentiate between the French-speaking (who could not pronounce 'schild') and Flemish-speaking citizens. Nowadays, historians tell us that it was probably 'Des Gilden Vriend'.


Grassus in Germany II
Umpire notes

This page can be kept very short. The only thing an umpire needs to do in this scenario (apart from deciding on the inevitable rules questions) is time the arrival of Cocacolic for the Germans. This is the umpire's ace up the sleeve to keep the scenario interesting for both sides. If the Germans seem to be unable to make an impression on the Roman camp, it's time to bring on Cocacolic.

Another option for timing Cocacolic' arrival, which I used when we played the scenario, is dicing for it. Each turn, I threw 2D6 to see whether he came on or not. If the number on the dice thrown was equal to or less than the current turn of play, Cocacolic would enter (this makes it likely he'll enter around turn 7, BTW). When the dice indicate arrival, the German players get an extra PIP dice, and Cocacolic' force is treated exactly as if he was flank marching (so a 6 had to be rolled on the PIP dice prior to bringing him on - thus making it entirely likely he will not show up after all).

That's it: enjoy!

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 This page is maintained by Bart Vetters
Schild en Vriend Miniature Wargaming Club Leuven