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Tiny Tin Men :: Archives

Full Thrust Miniatures

August 18, 2004 3:57 PM - Posted by Robartes - Category: Feeding the habit

I got an email in my guise as Schild en Vriend webmaster, asking about which models we used for our Full Thrust games. As this might be useful for more people, here’s what I answered:

However, I was wondering if you please could tell me what models you’ve been using, and where you got them?

We’ve been using a number of manufacturer’s models. GZG is one (e.g. the Tolstoy, mentioned in the campaign, is the big ESU dreadnought by GZG), but there are a lot of others:

AOG’s Babylon Five miniatures: AOG (Agents of Gaming) seem to have gone bust, but this site claims to have found a source:

AOG Babylon 5 minis

ICE Silent Death figures: there are many stores that sell these, but here’s the manufacturers site:

ICE Silent Death

Be sure to order the metal ones, the resin ones are huge (3 times the size of the metal ones, or around 10 inches)

Irregular Miniatures: this is a miniature manufacturer in the UK doing all kinds of figures and scales, including spaceships (though they’re basic - to get an idea: the Morgenes and most of Fleet Section 408 as pictured on our web page are Irregulars):

Irregular Miniatures

The spaceships are listed in the 6mm section of the catalog.

BTW, that’s GZG’z online store mentioned in the first paragraph.

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