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In a meagre effort to supplement my hobby budget, I’ve decided to sell the occasional painted figure on Ebay. I’ve got tons of lead lying around from my wild student days, most of which I’ll never use in a game, so that stock will be the source of these occasional offers.
Anyway, I’ve currently got an auction up for two Old West figures: General Custer and his standard bearer :
I’ve put the figures up on Ebay UK, as most of the figure buying public is located over there and Ebay Belgium doesn’t even have a wargames category, but that does not preclude Belgian bidders of course.
So, make me rich. You know you want to.
I was looking for Robartes, but you’re not listed :-)Well, the greatest artists were always underappreciated in their lifetime :)
Funnily enough, the one bid so far on the auction is from a collector in France who also frequently buys from a really good painter, Steve Dean) .
On a related note, seeing as that some figures never get a single bid in seven days, I’m pretty chuffed that mine got bid on within minutes of putting it up. Of course, the bid might stand at the initial bid for the rest of the auction :)