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Below are my five most recent miniatures related photos. These used to be freshly painted miniatures only, but now include game photos as well.

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Romano British pedites

February 27, 2007 5:33 PM - Posted by Robartes - Category: Wet Paint

Since I’ve decided to paint a bit faster I also decided to group miniatures to have their photos taken. As that leads to a lower frequency of pictures being posted, I’ve decided to put them up as real posts, under the new Wet Paint category, in addition to posting them on Flickr.

The entries in question, like this one will be mostly pictures only, with the occasional comment. To wit:

Romano British pedites unit 1

The impossibly big banner is made out of cloth (cutoffs of an Ikea curtain, if you must know).

Romano British pedites

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Comments on this entry

Bart, what I do like about your painting are the nice clean lines and colour blocks you get. I’m also quite jealous, because mine always seem so much less clear, sometimes a mess even.

Nice idea to make a cloth banner out of… cloth. I normally use a tomato puree tube container, but the IKEA idea is really effective.


February 27, 2007 9:54 PM - Posted by Alan

what I do like about your painting are the nice clean lines and colour blocks you get. I’m also quite jealous, because mine always seem so much less clear, sometimes a mess even.

Most of that is due to the consistency of the paint. Paint straight from the pot is usually too thick, so it needs to be thinned. The consistency aimed for depends on the specific color, but is usually around that of single cream (gewone room, for the Flemish around here) — a bit thicker than milk and a bit thinner than yoghurt, to stay in dairy.

BTW, these are not ‘neat lines’ - that takes too much time to do - but rather ‘slap on the paint wherever it will go’. Except for the leader, he has had a bit more time spent on him.

February 28, 2007 10:48 PM - Posted by Robartes

Nice paint job, very nice indeed. At this rate we should be able to get a game going soon. I now have about 74 figures done in my Arthurians and I will do Picts and Irish as well (sometime this lifetime).

Finished basing my first full unit today.


March 4, 2007 6:06 PM - Posted by JP


I might be a bit ahead of you there. Currently I have painted:

  • 2 and 2/3rds 24 man Pedyt units
  • An 18 man milites unit (Late Roman types)
  • A fifteen man commanipulares unit (that’s amazingly more difficult to type than pronounce, for some reason)
  • 2 9 men cavalry units (mounted milites)
  • 2 x 10 Rustici archers
  • A host of characters

All in total, 1574 points without allies, of which I can probably field about two 30 men warbands (I’m taking them as Franks, as the backstory of my army, to be posted soon, puts it on the south coast of England, in what later became Wessex, so Frankish contacts are likely).

Of course, the fact that I started painting this lot way back in 1999 and had help (they feature some JP painted figures, if you recall) might have something to do with this uncharacteristic glut of figures.

So yes — we are fast approaching gameability!

March 4, 2007 7:51 PM - Posted by Robartes