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Crisis 2010 - Poltava game thoughts and documents

November 11, 2010 11:29 AM - Posted by Robartes - Category: Scenarios

We took our Poltava game to this year’s Crisis. The game was well received we thought (at least it seemed there was nary a moment when there was not at least one person taking photographs of the game) though we did not win any prizes with it. Some pictures (among many others) can be seen on various forums:

Wargames Society Forum

Steve Dean’s forum

Bennos Figures forum

Let me just copy one of the last forum’s pictures here, which shows what happens when you let one of our more enterprising members umpire the game :) : the ahistorical collapse of the Russian left flank.


Anyway, while there have been some rumblings and musings in the extended gamer group (all four or five of us :) ), we had fun on the day and we got two 18th century horse and musket armies out of it, which we intend to use quite a lot.

I’ll leave you with two documents for the game: the (English language) handout and the list of cards (and thus the rules) we used for the game.

PDF file PDF file
Handout (256Kb) Cardlist (488Kb)

Comments on this entry

It was an excellent game, Bart, and deserved a prize. But the criteria they employ for best games seem to have no relation to reality. Well done anyway.

I’m shocked by the account of the irresponsible umpire by the way ;)

November 11, 2010 7:13 PM - Posted by Alan